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Developing a Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning system with Propcom+
DevLearn supported Propcom+ programme in Northern Nigeria, to develop a Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) system.
Developing a market-based approaches strategy for CARE Bangladesh
CARE Bangladesh has started the process of developing a country strategy. A key aspect of the strategy is to institutionalise and mainstream MBP in the portfolio. DevLearn is hired to develop the MBA strategy.
Implementing MEL Systems for Investing in Women
DevLearn conducted a range of monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) activities for Investing in Women, an initiative of the Australian Government to catalyse women’s economic empowerment in South East Asia.
Assessing the systemic changes in the Pacific kava industry resulting from the commercial importation
DevLearn led a study to explore market system impacts resulting from the Australian Government’s pilot for the resumption of the commercial importation of kava.
Developing impact model for Jobs for Economic Transformation
DevLearn developed an economic model to project the expected impact of the Jobs for Economic Transformation (JET) Programme in Ghana on investment and jobs, using an input-output model derived from secondary data.
Market Systems Assessment in Northern Nigeria with Propcom+
DevLearn led a market assessment across a range of sectors in Northern Nigeria for Propcom+.
Online training for Blue Ventures on MSD
DevLearn provided online training on market systems development (MSD) to Blue Ventures, tailored to the use of MSD for conservation.
Market Systems Assessment for Mercy Corps Ethiopia – Dollo
DevLearn conducted a formative market systems assessment for DREAMS, an IKEA Foundation funded program supporting local markets in Ethiopia
MEL Partner to FutureMakers, funded by Standard Charted Bank
DevLearn manages the Results Monitoring Team for Futuremakers, the flagship grant programme of Standard Chartered Bank. DevLearn manages the overall MEL system, including collecting data, analysing, and supporting learning.
MEL System Development for SIPPO in Serbia
DevLearn supported SIPPO, a trade promotion programme in Serbia, to develop and institutionalise a monitoring, evaluation, and learning system. We reviewed the existing system, and proposed and implemented revisions.
Mid-term evaluation of the National Initiatives on Sustainable Palm Oil
DevLearn conducted a mid-term evaluation of the National Initiatives on Sustainable and Climate Smart Oil Palm Smallholders Programme, active in Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Ghana, implemented by Solidaridad and IDH.
Conducting Market Assessments in Zimbabwe and Haiti
As a part of the USAID-funded IDEAL program, DevLearn conducted a labour market systems assessment (SLMA) by applying the market systems approach in Zimbabwe and Haiti.
Conducting a Livelihoods Learning Journey for the DRC in the Middle East
DevLearn conducted two DANIDA-funded Livelihoods Learning Journey consultancies for DRC Middle East on business and employment support
Providing Training and Support on MEL for the ILO in Nigeria
DevLearn provided online training on monitoring, evaluatoin, and learning (MEL) to the ILO in Nigeria helping approximately 50 participants from local NGOs understand the basics of MEL.
Implementing the Market Systems Development Approach in Housing
DevLearn conducted an 8 week tailored 'housing-focused' training on market systems development and MEL, followed by strategy development workshops to put the training into practice.
Design of a Public-Private Partnership in the DRC for Unido
DevLearn conducted a market systems development analysis of the heavy duty machinery sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo for UNIDO, informing and supporting the design of a new SIDA-funded project.
Developing an Impact Measurement Tool for Growth
DevLearn conducted an impact model study for CIGZambia, a 5-year program designed to support inclusive economic growth and job creation. The impact model estimated job creation, business growth, and investment.
Developing Indicators and Guidance on Measuring Jobs for ILO
DevLearn supported the ILO to develop guidance on measuring job-related indicators. We selected the most relevant indicators for the ILO, based on case studies and interviews, then produced an 'indicator builder' and guidance.
Monitoring and Evaluation Systems for Habitat for Humanity
DevLearn has supported the Terwilliger Centre, part of Habitat for Humanity developing more efficient and inclusive housing market systems, to build an appropriate results measurement system for an MSD program.
Learning Partner for the Global Opportunity Youth Network
DevLearn is the Learning Partner for the Global Opportunity Youth Network (GOYN), a multi-stakeholder initiative committed to creating place-based systems shifts for youth economic opportunity.
Community of Practice for Comic Relief on Access to Housing and Shelter
DevLearn facilitated a community of practice on access to housing and shelter for Comic Relief, a UK-based donor.
Supporting the Strengthening Host and Refugee Populations (SHARPE) Project to Implement MSD in Ethiopia
A Market Systems Development project on supporting refugees in Ethiopia.
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Partner for ESSOR in the DRC
DevLearn was the MEL Partner for Essor, a project funded by FCDO and implemented by PwC to improve the business environment in the DRC.
Supporting the Livelihoods Improvement for Women and Youth (LIWAY) Project in Ethiopia
MSD project focusing on Supporting the livelihoods for women and youth, and reducing urban poverty in Addis Ababa.