Projects / Assessing the systemic changes in the Pacific kava industry resulting from the commercial importation

Assessing the systemic changes in the Pacific kava industry resulting from the commercial importation

Project Information


Fiji, Vanuatu and Tonga

Employment and Entrepreneurship; Youth, Women

DT Global Australia

Service Type
Advisory Services

April 2023 - June 2023

DevLearn led a study to explore market system impacts in Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu resulting from the Australian Government’s pilot for the resumption of the commercial importation of kava.

In addition to market system impacts, the study also examined the distribution of benefits for women and youth as well as impacts on the natural environment. The study identified barriers for Pacific Island exports to access the new market pathway and offered recommendations to the Australian Government to support the industry. In addition to a final report, DevLearn presented findings in the form of a webinar to Australian Government and Pacific Island stakeholders.

African lady smiling holding jug