Projects / Conducting Market Assessments in Zimbabwe and Haiti

Conducting Market Assessments in Zimbabwe and Haiti

Project Information


Zambia, Haiti

Market Systems Development; Employment and Entrepreneurship

Mercy Corps

Service Type
Market Assessment

October 2021 - March 2022

As a part of the USAID-funded IDEAL program, DevLearn was assigned to facilitate a labor market assessment (SLMA) by applying the market systems approach in Zimbabwe and Haiti.

To align with IDEAL’s vision, the study was focused on off-farm and non-farm employment opportunities that meet basic needs and lead to food security. The study recognised that COVID-19 has had devastating effects on food security, job security, and economic resilience, and so considered the challenges of mobility and collapsed market demand due to the impacts of the pandemic.

Specific activities carried out on this assignment were:

  • Identify a systems approach to support environmental friendly jobs across connected urban and rural parts of Zimbabwe
  • Perform a systems approach to support rural off-farm and non-farm jobs at scale, while supporting post-earthquake recovery, across multiple high-potential employment pathways across the Nippes Departments of Haiti (and several areas on the Grand’Anse/Nippes border)


African lady smiling holding jug