Projects / Design of a Public-Private Partnership in the DRC for Unido

Design of a Public-Private Partnership in the DRC for Unido

Project Information


Democratic Republic of the Congo

Industrialisation; Market Systems Development


Service Type
Market Assessment

March 2021 – December 2021

DevLearn conducted a market systems analysis and training needs assessment of heavy-duty machinery sector. This supported UNIDO to develop a project proposal to be submitted to SIDA.

The aim of the assignment was to facilitate a Public Private Development Partnership (PPDP) using the Market System Development (MSD) approach between Sida, Volvo, and UNIDO in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in the field of Heavy Duty Industrial Equipment and Commercial Vehicles (HDIECV).

As part of this assignment, DevLearn conducted the initial analysis, facilitated workshops with key stakeholders, and presented findings in form of reports and presentations that fed the development of a project document for the proposed intervention with due consideration for gender, youth, economic, social, and environmental perspectives.


African lady smiling holding jug